Yusuf Sevinçli Turkey, b. 1980

"Coutumier des dérives existentielles, adepte des noirs contrastes, Yusuf Sevinçli est de ces artistes alchimistes"

Yusuf Sevinçli does not linger. He walks, he explores, he observes, he shoots and he leaves again. He collects almost obsessively scraps of reality which are always different, but they can finally find an analogy and eventually become a series of images. It ‘s a picaresque concept of photography, almost homeless, which rejects the stability and serenity of a home, albeit virtual, embracing instead the road and the people, animals (from dogs to insects), objects that live in it and make it alive. Subjects become patches that eventually assemble together to reveal a texture, which is the representation of reality through the artist’s eye. Emotionality digress the beaten tracks and take the street, returning us its true essence.

Santi Oliveri


He also signed several "cartes blanches" that cities such as Marseille, Vichy or recently Deauville for the Festival Planche(s) Contactentrusted to him.