Dominique Gauthier - L’agudeza et la figure: Comme s’il pleuvait du visage, déposé autrement : Les Réponses, peintures 2003

10 January - 28 February 2004

Gallery Les Filles du Calvaire shows a new set of paintings by Dominique Gauthier, Les Réponses, begun at the end of 2002 and positioned alongside several other fronts developed simultaneously since the Contre-Raisons I, the Contre-Raisons II, the Orphiques and the Abréviations.

"The constitutive principle of the Responses produces a base as decisive as the one proposed in the Hostinato, begun in 1992, and that since then continues to advance its great tonal and drawn variation without an evolutionary movement to question them.

The Responses have another technical stability by exploiting to the extreme the exponentiality of the color. They also examine, but differently than the Hostinato, the practical thought of the extent and the infinite. Their method is a production activated by simplicity itself, a simplicity that contributes to creating the event, the singularity.

"The task is always absolute" (Walter Benjamin).

The first part of the Réponses is a ground of deposition, a colored choice, an extent, a dimension, a place. The second part is the constitution of a colored tonality, my colored range, the practical but not organized tonality of the colors, continuously exploited in the workshop with their objective variation of coloring matter. Totality suspended in the vertical space on a plan-program, suspensions and soft reactivities of the here and the it rains. This suspension is the time of the absence. The program-plane will find its actualization, on its side. Only one gesture remains operative, the Agudeza, the point. It is going to rain, a multiplicity is going to activate kinetically until this fixity/drying, the event definition of an appearance. The third time is the one of the seizure, the reception and the decision of the painting, a colored circumscription like a signature. It is the decided and decisive character, implacable, produced by the information as simple as radical of a single color.