“To enter this exhibition, one must pass a physical as well as a spiritual threshold. The thing is rare enough to be remembered."
For his second solo exhibition at Galerie Les Filles du calvaire, Edouard Wolton will present a body of original works, bringing together paintings, sculptures, printed works and installations.
“To enter this exhibition, one must pass a physical as well as a spiritual threshold. The thing is rare enough to be remembered. You who enter here, open yourself to a vision that seeks, lives, disturbs, to finally find itself embodied. This is why La Porte des étoiles welcomes us. But before the door, there is a mask with bulging eyes of finely cut quartz crystals. This head, which is none other than the cast of the artist’s face, therefore defies the eye from the start and in media res. From the outset, in the middle of things, therefore, or in the middle of the problem: do these erect ocular crystals allow an expanded worldview or are they the symptom of blindness? What vision in the desert are we going to talk about here? The question is asked in painting, with the tools of painting, and this in full awareness by the artist who tirelessly gives himself the means of his gesture: to work the material in oil by successive (countless) glazing, to make the colours arise or disappear through their molten interactions with each other, to create light by the gradual emergence of transparency, layer after layer. “It is through the pictorial layer that I will be able to enter into the reality of painting,” the artist tells me. It is also through this door that we will be able to enter the realm of Vision.”
Extract from Lea Bismuth’s text.