Art Orienté Objet - Zoosphères

Domaine de Chamarande

As part of its “I am an animal” series of exhibitions devoted to the shifts and passages between animal and human worlds, the Domaine de Chamarande is entrusting all of its exhibition spaces this fall to the French duo Art Orienté Objet, created in 1991 in Paris by Marion Laval-Jeantet and Benoit Mangin.

The exhibition, held in the château and the orangery, looks back on thirty years of practice during which Art Orienté Objet has constantly analyzed and questioned the relationship between humans and other animal forms. It brings together works – some of which have never before been shown in France – that deal with the fertility as well as the complexity of interspecific relations, where ethological experiments (the Lures series, 2007; Léo & Bos, 2006), devices of quasi-shamanic connections (La machine à méditer sur le sort des oiseaux migrateurs, 2008; Un aigle et une colombe se transformant l’un en l’autre ou la Chasse Mazzera, 2013) as well as a set of researches where biotechnologies, art and narratives meet (Paysages microbiotiques, 2016; Hydra post-humana, 2021, Holy Coli, 2022)

From 15 october 2022 to 12 february 2023
of 172