Léo Fourdrinier | Poems Hide Theorems: Curated by Gaël Charbau

5 October - 2 November 2024 21 rue Chapon 75003 Paris

Opening on Saturday, October 5, 2024

Exhibition from October 5 to November 2, 2024


From October 5 to November 2, 2024, Les filles du calvaire Gallery will host Poems Hide Theorems, Léo Fourdrinier's first solo exhibition in Paris. Through his sculptures and installations, Léo Fourdrinier draws inspiration from science and poetry to intertwine classical forms and technological objects.


Inspired by The Psychoanalysis of Fire by Gaston Bachelard, the French philosopher and scientist, the exhibition explores poetic creation and scientific innovation. Bachelard highlighted how these two approaches nourish each other: "Poems hide theorems" means that poetry expresses truths in a metaphorical or symbolic way, whether they are philosophical, psychological, or even scientific in nature. For Fourdrinier, the complementarity of poetry and science is key to describing the reality of the world around us.


Science and imagination are distinguished by their relationship to time: one is oriented towards the future and discoveries, while the other explores the myths and symbols of the past. Fourdrinier relies on this duality by revisiting universal symbols to shed light on the perception of contemporary and future realities.


Léo Fourdrinier, born in 1992, lives and works in Toulon. A graduate of the École Supérieure d’Arts et Médias de Caen/Cherbourg in 2017, he has exhibited his work at the 16th Lyon Biennale of Contemporary Art "Manifesto of Fragility," the 9th Émerige Revelations Grant, and the CACN - Centre d'Art Contemporain de Nîmes. He has notably worked within various residency programs: Le Confort Moderne (Poitiers), Fugitif (Leipzig), 40mcube/GENERATOR (Rennes), and the Centre d’Art Contemporain de Châteauvert. He is an associate artist at the cultural third place Le Port Des Créateurs in Toulon. He is currently preparing a project titled "Historians of the Future," in residence at the archaeological site Lattara, followed by an exhibition at the Henri Prades Museum in partnership with MO.CO. Montpellier Contemporain. He will also participate in the Millennium of the city of Caen in the spring of 2025 with a work integrated into the public space route.